Canadian Job Market for Newcomers

Newcomers arrive in Canada with many hopes and expectations. Many of these objectives are directly related to obtaining steady work in Canada. One of the main worries for newcomers to Canada is the scope of their profession, trade or occupation.

Next Stop Toronto connects you with recruiters who have knowledge and information that you need to examine the Canadian employment market, plan your career path, and make professional decisions.

You may have several years of employment experience on your résumé/CV. However, your native country’s work market may be extremely different, and a professional recruiter will assist you in determining how your skills will transfer in the Canadian labour market.

Understanding the scope of your occupation in Canada is a process that entails careful review of employment data for your field, determining your NOC code, and learning about the qualifications and licenses that may be necessary for your work.

Furthermore, our affiliated job recruiters will assist you in preparing for the job interview process and setting reasonable compensation expectations. By researching the job market in Canada before to your arrival and gaining a realistic understanding of employment needs, you will be able to boost your chances of finding a job quickly after landing and setting yourself up for professional and financial success.

Fluency in both English and French is highly valued, particularly in customer service, government, and education sectors.

The following fields are high in demand within the Canadian labour market:

  • Finance, Accounting, Insurance, and Investment
  • Sales and Marketing
  • Business and Management Consulting
  • Human Resources (HR), Staffing, and Recruitment
  • Engineering
  • Project Management
  • Healthcare and Assisted Living
  • Creative Arts and Design
  • Logistics and Supply Chain
  • Fitness, Sports, and Recreation
  • Hospitality, Travel and Tourism
  • Education
  • Legal
  • Information Technology